Jefferson Township's Right-of-Way Guidelines and Requirements governs the planting, pruning, and removal of street trees in or on the public rights of way within Jefferson Township. A Right-of-Way Permit is required for the planting and/or removal of street trees. LEARN MORE >
- With a permit, property owners may plant street trees so long as the selection, location, and planting of such trees are in accordance with the policy.
- In areas with no curb, street tree planting in the right-of-way is not permitted.
- Street trees may be planted between curbs and sidewalks provided the planting strip is at least 4' wide for small trees, 5' wide for medium trees, and 8' for large trees.
- Property owners have responsibility for street trees adjacent to their property.
- Trees should be trimmed to maintain a clear space of 13' above street surfaces, and 8' above the sidewalk surface. Dead, diseased, or dangerous trees, or broken or decayed limbs should be removed. See Pruning Standards for Shade Trees for additional guidelines.
- No street tree shall be removed without first consulting the Township Zoning Department. The removal of healthy trees is prohibited unless it can be shown that the removal is not merely for convenience but would be necessary to the completion of an appropriate project. Tree removal may also ne considered for trees that have grown to a point where their root system is causing irreversible damage to streets, curbs or sidewalks.